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Arch Linux Installation The Easy Way With ArchFi

The biggest complaint about Arch Linux is that it is very difficult to install. However, there is an option that makes the process an absolute breeze as like other Linux distributions. To achieve this we use ArchFI. ArchFi is a bash script wizard that holds your hand during the installation with an easy install menu.

Let’s do this in 5 steps.

1. Burn Arch Linux to a USB device. Procedure outlined here. Stop after configuring WIFI.

2. Run the following commands after you have connected to the internet with Wifi-Menu.

sh archfi

3. Follow the Install Menu line by line to configure your system via prompts.

4. Make sure you perform the archdi command at the end to install a full desktop of your choice.

5. Reboot

This is the easiest way to install an Arch Linux system.

So enjoy this great script and your new setup!

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